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这是一篇经济论文,撰写经济论文目的在于,在经济学、金融、证券、贸易等相关理论指导下,从宏观和微观的两个角度,分别对社会生活中的经济现象、公司企业的典型案例等加以深入分析,继而得出理性的结论,并提出具有建设性的意见和解决方案,不断扩充经济领域的学术理论,扩大经济学研究范围和领域,可以学以致用,去解决社会经济发展中的实际问题(以上内容来自百度百科)今天为大家强烈推荐一篇经济论文,供大家参考。硕士经济论文范文第一篇CHAPTER ONEIntroduction1.1BacgroundThe Nigerian Economy has gone through many years of vicissitude especially on her agriculturalsector. As at 2021, the total contribution of agricultural sector to GDP was estimated to about 33.1%:and 89.2% of this share is owned by crop production followed by livestoc 6.4%, fishing 3.2% andforestry 1.2% (NBS, 2021). The agricultural sector generates less than 5% to foreign exchange eamiagswhile the external sector (dominated by the petroleum sector) generating about 95% of foreignexchange earnings and over 80% budgetary revenue. Nigeria is confronted with challenges ofdiversifying the structure of the economy to lesser dependence on the oil sector. China's development inthe agricultural sector has been a huge wae-up call to other developing countries. The Chineseagricultural system is characterized to have a long history of development in technologies associatedwith seed development, fertilizer, water control and land preparation. China's agricultural productionc妨 be said to operate on a high-yield and relatively high use of labour, fertilizer and otheragrochetnicals. In terms of rice production, both in quantities and value,China rans first in the worldas pared to Nigeria the seventeenth (FAOSTAT, 2021). Rice is said to be equivalent with foodsecurity in most developing countries especially in Asia and now with increasing attention towardsAfrica. Rice production affects over 3.5 billion people in the world, providing nutrient and ine tothe populace. Beside the food and economic importance of rice,it is also used for thatching, industrialstarch, and artwor..........1.2 Rice EconomyThe importance of rice to the world cannot be overemphasized, food security-wise or productionand ine-wise. The largest rice consuming regions in the world are in Asia and Africa. Rice hasbee the fastest staple food in Africa providing daily carbohydrate, vitamins and some minerals mostespecially in Nigeria (the largest rice consumer in Africa). Nigeria have a diversified agro-ecologicalproduction systems which support large collection of staple food, the major including maize,millet,sorghum, rice, cassava, yam, cocoyam, sweet potato, wheat, plantain (FAO, 2021) among which ricehas emerged as the fastest growing subsector staple food,especially for the urban dwellers. Prior to1960 in Nigeria, rice was considered a luxurious food and consumed by few. Its' features of fast andeasy-to-coo has given it stronger advantage over other staple crops. Over the years, rice presents in theNigerian dietary has been increasing since the early 1970s and 1980s. Figure 1-1 depicts the decadalincreases of rice food as a percentage to Nigerian's diet..........CHAPTER TWOConceptual Framewor and Literature Review2.1 Conceptual FrameworProduction may be defined as an economic process that uses resources to createmodities/goods that is suitable for exchange. These economic processes could includemanufacturing, storing, shipping, pacaging etc(Cobb and Douglas 1928; Metcalfe et' al 2003). Someeconomists (Veneziani and Yoshihara, 2021;Mundla 1961; Humphrey 1997) define productionbroadly as all economic or managerial activities other than consumption. They see every mercialactivity other than the final purchase as some form of production. An efficient production would involvethe use of the little available resources (input) to produce a maximum output which reduces waste,production function can provide measures to limiting these waste.The measurement of the volume of output is the attempt to measure the changes in the amount ofinputs use to achieve the output and to determine the relationships that exist between the output andinputs (Cobb and Douglas, 1928). Production function has been used as an important tool of economicanalysis in the neoclassical tradition (Mishra 2007) to measure production variables. Two concepts areassociated with the efficiency of production system; technical efficiency and allocative efficiency(Libenstein et' aL, 1988). One of the assumptions of production function is that the problem of technicalefficiency has already been resolved thus analysis concentrates on the problems of allocative efficiency.According to Mishra (2007), the above is the reason for the definition of production function asrelationship between the maximum technically feasible output and input... In the words ofoutsoyiaimis (2003), production function is a purely technical relation which connects factor inputand output. He added that it includes all the technically efficient methods of production..........2.2 Policy ReviewThis section of chapter two discusses; on national level, the rice yield, and the previous andrecent policies affecting the rice sector in Nigeria and China. The Success and difficulties during thetransitional processes of the rice subsectors as well as some future concerns were fiirther conversed inthis section. The aim here is to glimpse how the two nations' rice system operates to better understandand explain the outes in the proceeding chapters.Rice in Nigeria as described by several researchers is a strategic modity. As the supply-demand gap continue to increase,maing the nation one of the largest rice importers in the world. Thegovernment has been actively interfering in the sector via policy measures. The primary goal of theNigerian rice policies has been to increase domestic production and achieving self-sufficiency (FMARD2004). These interventions have e in different forms, lengths and rates, examples include subsidies,tariff, quota, ban and quantity restriction through license. Godwin et al (2001); Aande, (2002);Ogundele and Ooruwa (2006) discussed Nigeria's rice policy on three folds namely Pre-ban period (i.e.1970-1985), the Ban period (1986-1995) and the Post-ban period (1995-date).........CHAPTER THREE Methodology..........353.1 Description of the study areas.........353.1.1 Niger State, Nigeria.........353.1.2 Hainan Province, China.........373.2 Selection procedure and sample size.........393.3 Questionnaire Development.........393.4 Data processing and analysis.........40CHAPTER FOUR Result and Discussion: Part I.........444.1 Household Demography.........444.2 Cultivated Area.........464.3 Seed System.........504.4 Fertilizer Usage.........534.5 Rice Yield.........544.6 Commercial Level of the Farmers.........564.7 Perception Analysis of Production Constraints.........604.8 Production Function Analysis.........72CHAPTER FOURResult and Discussion: Part IThis part of chapter four presents the descriptive statistics of the two study areas. From thestatistical analysis, the household characteristics, cultivated area, type of seed used, fertilizer used andthe yield of rice obtained are pared between Niger state and Hainan province and finally,a briefdescription of the mercialization level in the two regions are discussed. Figures and tables are usedto capture the differences.In rural areas especially the poor farmers, rice production system is more of labour intensive andthus requires a lot of strength and energy for land preparation, tilling, weeding (in some cases but othercases they apply herbicides) Mid harvesting. Household labour bees an important medium toreducing cost of production. Ceteris paribus the greater the household size the lesser the labour hired. Itshould be noted that the higher size of household does not always translate higher household labourbecause in some cases the siblings are be too young to wor on farm or they go to school. In anothercase, some members of Ihe family may have other jobs thus does not participate farming activities. Thehousehold usually prises of the head, the spouse, children and other relative as a form of extendedfamily. The above table shows that the household size in Niger state rice farmers (10.7) almost doubledthat of Hainan farmers (5.4), despite this difference, relative to cultivated area Hainan has greater ratiothan Niger state. In both Niger state and Hainan province, majority of the household (91.5% and 67.8%respectively) have more than 5 family members. However, Niger state has the least number ofrespondents that have family size less than 5 members.........conclusionIn most developing countries, investment on RD of agriculture by the government has not beenadequate but recently there are series of increased investment on agricultural RD. In view of the 2021presidential initiative on Agricultural Transformation Action Plan (Nigeria), the increase in investmenton planting area, organizing farmers in categories, restructuring the distribution of inputs and research isa way forward but Increase in land area to resolve production 一 consumption gap can only be of a short-term solution. It is obvious that the rice system suffers management problem where essential inputs areinadequate resulting to low yield. This study remends policies to stabilize the supply of essentialinputs by directly investing in those inputs that improve yield via seed technology, readily provision offertilizer and credit facility to the farmers. Increasing the production capacity of these essential inputscan go a long ways to improving the availability and access of these inputs to the farmers. This will alsoreduce the cost of importing such product and create employment domestically. To effectivelyacplish this, a readily suitable environment (especially the issue on electricity) should be set for theprivate sector participation.............References (omitted)硕士经济论文范文第二篇

第一章绪论两型社会;的概念在国内提出时间不长,倡导建设两型社会;是中国最新的国策。两型社会;作为可持续发展的另一种表述,在国外有一定的发展时期与研究基础。作为社会产业当中一个重要组成,农业在两型社会;建设中任务繁重。尤其是农业作为传统产业,在两型社会;建设中更有其特殊性和重要性。在期待两型社会;农业生产体系中,两型社会;农业生产体系的现代生机研究是一个新课题。尽管国外对两型社会;农业生产体系的现代生机有一定的实践经验与研究基础,但缺乏理论的总结与研究的系统性。国内对两型社会;农业生产体系的现代生机研究则刚引起学者的关注。这里,我们从本研究的背景与意义入手。1.1研究背景与意义分析两型社会;农业生产体系现代生机的研究背景与意义,既是简要介绍研究的前提与价值,也是为研究设定一个立足点。无论是发达国家,还是发展中国家,工业发展对农业发展提出了更高要求。这一点表现为,工业要求农业提供数量更多与质量更高的原材料。社会发展要求农业提供丰富多彩的农产品,同时要求农业发展多功能。两个二难的问题产生了。一是,工业发展对农业要求提高的同时,却不断制约农业的发展。表现为工业发展中不断侵占农业的水资源和土地资源,挤兑农业生产的发展空间。不仅如此,工业生产中的三废;不断破坏农业的现有生产条件。二是,作为社会发展中重要内容的城镇化侵占农业的土地资源与水资源,落后的社会生活方式对农业生产的破坏巨大。基于以上原因,加上农业本身的弱质性与周期性,传统农业生产体系十分脆弱。另外,在工业化与城镇化的过程中,存在对农业生产基础地位的对待不准确。由此,加剧了农业生产体系发展的局限性。.......1.2国内外研究动态评介两型社会;农业生产体系现代生机研究是一个新的课题,为了使我们的研究有一定的成效,我们有必要把握国内外相关研究的最新成果。只有在国内外相关研究的基础上,我们大胆的尝试和努力才有意义。建立两型社会;农业生产体系,有其必要性与紧迫性。国外相关研究成果中,有一定的相关成果。著名学者汤恩比(英)在其《人类与大地母亲》与《历史研究》两部著作中,揭示了这样一个历史事实:人类历史上前后有二十六个人类文明。其中,一十三个人类文明已经消亡,七个人类文明明显衰落。这些衰落的特别是那些已经消亡的人类文明,都直接或间接地归因于人类与自然关系的不和谐。这种不和谐,集中体现于对自然资源的破坏性利用。人类文明的消亡与兴盛警示人类必须从不同的产业入手采用资源节约与环境友好原则,亟待建立两型社会;农业生产体系。作为罗马俱乐部;重要成员的丹尼斯·米都斯等,于1972年写作了《增长的极限》。这是第一份揭露人类陷入生态危机困境的研究报告。在这一报告中,丹尼斯?米都斯反思了长期被西方崇尚的经济高增长理论,振聲发擴地提出了 (经济)增长的极限;问题。在《增长的极限》研究报告中,丹尼斯·米都斯指出:决定和限制经济增长的五个主要因素,是人口增长、粮食供应、自然资源、工业生产和污染;。这一研究报告用令人信服的资料和论证指出:依靠征服自然来造福人类的传统工业化道路,不仅使人类社会面临史无前例的严重困境,而且终究会使经济发展走向零增长;。在分析了全球性的资源短缺和环境污染的基础上,丹尼斯?米都斯首次提出了 合理的持久的均衡发展;的概念,为两型社会;另外一种表述---可持续发展理论的提出和形成作出了重要贡献。........第二章两型社会发展的生机动力2.1两型社会发展的基本动力如同其他社会形态一样,两型社会;的整个社会结构也仿佛是一座极其复杂的建筑物。它既有自己的基础,又有自己的上层建筑。马克思在《〈政治经济学批判〉序言》指出:人们在自己生活的社会生产中发生一定的、必然的、不以他们的意志为转移的关系,即同他们的物质生产力的一定发展阶段相适宜的生产关系。这些生产关系的总和构成社会的经济结构,即有法律的和政治的上层建筑竖立其上并有一定的社会意识形式与之相适应的现实基础。物质生活的生产方式制约着整个社会生活、政治生活和精神生活的过程。;⑴两型社会;的经济结构就是与两型社会;生产力相适应的生产关系总和。它直接决定着两型社会;政治结构和文化结构,成为其政治结构和文化结构的现实基础。这就是马克思所指出的,同生产力状况相适应的生产关系总和是两型社会;的经济基础。至于其政治结构和文化结构,即建立在两型社会;经济结构之上的社会思想、观点以及与之相应的制度、设施和组织这一复杂系统。其中,两型社会;的经济基础和生产关系指的是同一对象,相对于生产力来说,它是生产关系;相对于上层建筑来说它是经济基础。生产力和生产关系、经济基础和上层建筑之间的矛盾因此构成两型社会;的基本矛盾,它们之间的相互作用以及动态结合,就构成了 两型社会;发展的基本动力和一般规律。.......2. 2两型社会发展初始动力在考察和分析两型社会;发展的根本动力之后,应当讨论两型社会;发展的初始动力。而讨论两型社会;发展的初始动力,必须确定其研究起点问题。这是因为,任何问题都有其研究起点。同时,研究起点的选择恰当与否,不仅直接关系到其分析的正确与否,而且直接关系到其结论的正确与否。换言之,研究起点的问题,是研究正确与否的根本问题。两型社会;是在资源与环境压力日益加大的情况下,社会主体期待的理想社会。以生产力和技术发展水平以及与此相适应的能源结构为标准,我们可以得出一个技术社会形态的序列:低碳社会-高碳社会-低碳社会。而两型社会;是新的低碳社会形态一种特定阶段。确定两型社会;发展的起点,我们可从马克思对于起点;研究中探求启示。马克思在《资本论》的创作中,其研究起点是错综复杂的资本主义现象,但其撰写的起点是商品。为什么要选择和确定商品作为《资本论》的表述起点呢?这是因为,政治经济学是揭示资本主义社会的本质和规律性的科学,而资本主义社会最简易、最普遍、最广泛、最常见的范畴,就是商品。马克思在《资本论》中通过分析和考察商品所层层包含的矛盾一一商品和货币、价值和使用价值、劳动和资本、简易劳动和复杂劳动、具体劳动和抽象劳动、物化资本和人化资本(死资本和活资本)、物化劳动和人化劳动(死劳动和活劳动)等等矛盾,从而科学地揭示出资本主义社会的本质和规律性。.......第三章两型社会系统构成要素的生机逻辑...........443.1两型社会系统的一般理论.........443.2两型社会生产力与生产关系的生机逻辑.........453.3两型社会生产与消费的生机逻辑.........48本章小结.........50第四章两型社会型塑对农业部门要素的期待.........514.1型塑理论与两型社会型塑.........514.1.1型塑理论.........514.1.2两型社会型塑.........534.2两型社会型塑对农业部门节约要素资源的期待.........544.3两型社会型塑对农业部门要素环境友好的期待.........73本章小结.........80第五章两型社会农业生产体系现代生机机理.........815.1现代社会转型对两型社会农业生产体系的育化.........815.2现代农业科技创新对两型社会农业生产体系的造就.........855.3现代农业制度创新对两型社会农业生产体系的催生.........98本章小结.........105第八章两型社会农业生产体系现代生机径向8.1资源节约型农业生产体系的生发前面已说明,农业资源主要指农业水资源、土地资源与空气资源。至于农业劳动力资源,其性质特殊,应当另当别论。至于农业空气资源,相比农业水资源与农业土地资源,其稀缺性不明显。如果要从节约的角度来探讨其稀缺性,并不是没有必要。与两型社会;农业生产要求而言,农业空气资源同样稀缺。不过,这主要不是指农业空气资源的数量,而是指农业空气资源的质量。探讨农业空气资源的节约,我们应当从避免农业空气资源的污染入手。这一分析是后面的环境友好型农业生产体系,因此留待后面再讨论。农业生产时间是农业生产的周期,节约农业生产时间就是减少农业生产的周期。从经济效益来看,农业生产时间的节约有重大的意义。从资源节约与环境友好的角度来看,其意义也十分重大。深入理解农业生产时间节约型农业生产体系,可从农业部门结构入手进行分析。.......结论在我们的理论探讨过程中,不同的环节形成了不同层次的结论。研究结论必然形成相应的政策提议,不同层次的结论势必有不同层次的政策提议。对前面形成的结论进行梳理与提炼,我们用基本结论来表述。切实转变农业经济发展方式就是要严格按照粗放型农业生产向集约型农业生产转变的要求,提高农业生产要素的使用效率。确保农业发展不是单纯的量变,而是量变中应有质的变化。从农业经济层面来看,农业发展不是单纯农业产量的增长,更重要的是农业经济结构的调整与优化。在农业产业结构中,转变农业经济发展方式的一个重要体现是提高农业在产业价值链条中的附加值。在向工业产业链延伸的同时充分发挥农业的服务功能。在推进农业产业化进程中,大力发展生态农业、循环农业和都市农业。在加强农业的基础地位的过程中,大力发展观光农业、休闲农业与教育农业。优化农业产业结构,提高农业产出的数量和质量。改善农业产品的品质与结构,更好地服务人们的生产和生活。............参考文献(略)硕士经济论文范文


