..........CHAPITER THREE: Introduction to the trade situation of the five countries.......... 133.1 Introduction to the five countries........ 133.2 Trade status of the Customs union ...... 153.2.1 Trade structure analysis ........... 153.2.2 Mutual trade within the Customs union ..... 18CHAPITER FOUR: Static and dynamic economic effects of Customs Union ......... 234.1 Comparative advantage index analysis of the static economic effect.......... 234.1.1 Relationship between parative advantage and static economic effect.......... 234.1.2 The calculation and analysis of the parative advantage index ............ 2344.2 Empirical research based on Gravity Model.......... 264.3 Analysis of the dynamic economic effects of Customs Union........... 334.3.1 Attracting foreign investment ........... 334.3.2 Technology innovation ............ 334.3.3 Comprehensive petitiveness....... 35CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 375.1 Conclusions..... 37CHAPITER FOUR: Static and dynamic economic effects of Customs Union4.1 Comparative advantage index analysis of the static economic effectAmong them, i represents products, j represents the country, and RCAij represents the parative advantagesof the I products of countries. Xij is the export volume of I products of j countries, and Xj is the total export volumeof j countries. Xi represents exports of the world's first I products, and Xw represents total exports of all products inthe world. ID is the degree of international division of labor. The result of RCA multiplied by ID is the ratio of theexport of a certain product to that of the world's first i product.Static economic effects mainly include trade creation effect and trade transfer effect. The reason for the tradecreation effect is that the high cost products originally produced at home can be replaced by relatively low costproducts produced by the customs union when the tariff is cancelled. Generally speaing, high cost products will notbe a product of parative advantage in the country. The trade shift effect is because a country imports low-costproducts from its allies and imports high cost products from its allies. In other words, the trade diversion effect is dueto the fact that a country imports from the non-allied countries the products of the parative advantage of theAfrican Union and imports the products from the Allies without the parative advantage. Therefore, the staticeconomic effect of customs union can be analyzed from parative advantage...........ConclusionsIn this paper, firstly, the history of CIS integration is reviewed, and the operation mechanism of the five countriescustoms union is introduced. Secondly, the paper analyzes the trade situation of Customs Union in five countries.Thirdly, the paper calculates the economic indexes of five countries custom union by using the formula, and analyzesthe foreign investment flows of the customs union, the industries of foreign investment and the sources of foreigncapital. The paper analyzes and discusses the dynamic economic effects of the five countries' trade status and trade inthe framewor of the customs union. This is beneficial to understand the practical significance of strengtheningeconomic ties between Russia, Belarus and azahstan from the perspective of regional integration. Through theanalysis of the above chapters, we can draw the following conclusions:Firstly, due to the economic gap between Belarus and azahstan and Russia, Russia is in the leading positionin the customs union, which leads to the low proportion of the trade volume between China World Trade Center andazahstan. In the short term, the economy of Belarus, azahstan and other countries is growing rapidly with Russia,which may lead to serious consequences in the long run. If Russia's economy is in turmoil, white and azahstan willbe implicated.Secondly, after the establishment of the Russia Belarus azahstan customs union, foreign investment in membercountries has increased significantly. Customs union trade has produced some dynamic economic effects. But thereare some problems in the investment industry. Foreign investment in Russia, Belarus and azahstan is mainlyconcentrated in the mining and processing industry wholesale and retail trade. To some extent, foreign investment ismainly used for natural resources development, which has little effect on promoting local employment and technologyspillover. Russia, Belarus and azahstan should cultivate more sunrise industry in innovation stage, and pay attentionto protect the ecological environment. It is necessary to encourage enterprises to abide by the laws of the host country,respect the local culture, and encourage long-term cooperation conducive to the sustainable development of the localeconomy and society...........References (abbreviated)