关于工作英语短文怎么写 关于工作英语短文的作文


关于工作英语短文怎么写 关于工作英语短文的作文

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关于工作英语短文怎么写 关于工作英语短文的作文


My opinion about the relationship between hard work and success.


Some people think that success comes from hard work while others agree that success has no link with hard work . From my point of view, hard work can help people succeed and vice versa. There are some reasons as follows.

Firstly, most people are biologically endowment with almost the same I.Q. , but some of them get success owing to some important reasons among which it is hard work . For instance, a chinese famous mathematician Chen Jinrun’s great achivements is his hard working on math.




I came from obscurity and I would like nothing better than to return to obscurity. But before I do, I want to assert a mon right that we are in danger of losing. The words of Sir Robert Morton in Terence Rattigan's fine play, The Winslow Boy, e to mind. Speaking in the House of Commons of Ronnie Winslow, he says: "It is not Winslow's guilt or Winslow's innocence which concerns us now; it is something greater by far. It is Winslow's right as a mon citizen of England to be heard - to be heard in defence of his honour so wantonly pitched into the mire."

With Sir Robert, I say, "Let right be done".


The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to s pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will bee better and better

译文:地球是我们的家,我们有责任照顾它为我们自己和后代。幸运的是,越来越多的人已经意识到这些问题。已采取措施来对付这些问题的 *** 。法律已经通过了停止污染。我希望这个问题将得到解决在不久的将来,我们的家园会越来越好



My childhood

My childhood was happy with my mother’s love .In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy and never got sick. She took me to the primary school and home every day. No matter when it’s rainy or windy.

But one day, after we got home from school, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn’t know what had happened.

I sat beside her , my mother said to me , “it doesn’t matter , mum only has a headache . I will be all right after a while.” Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain, at that time I knew *** s also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.


小小推销员 今天,我向大家推荐一款家用电器--九阳搅拌机,它物廉价美.非常实用,是我们生活的好帮手。 搅拌机的颜色是湖水绿和白色相间,机子是由一个鱼尾纹的底座杯子,一个搅拌刀和一个透明的杯子组成 ,盖子上面有一个挤压盖.配有一个隔渣网和三...

,永远也诠释不完。它就像音乐的旋律,时而振奋人心,催人进取,时面恬静安逸,创造新的自我。 ——题记 早已不知道母亲的髻角有多少根白发,已不知道母亲的眼角有多少鱼尾纹,已不知道母亲为 *** 了多少心,洒了多少汗水。...

2014-10-21 回答者: 1

人生旅途中,你苦苦追寻着生命的色彩。蓦然回首的一刹那,你才 发现,答案原来是丰富多彩的。 ———小引 夏日的梧桐树下,一个稚嫩的童声打破了闲静,“爷爷,爷爷,你说,生命是什么东西呀?它是什么颜色的?”看着孩子那双渴求的眼睛,爷爷想了想...


农历八月十五日是一年一度的中秋佳节,这一天的月亮非常非常地圆,真像一个白玉盆。 在农历八月十四时我和爸爸、妈妈一起去家友超市买月饼、水果和零食,哇!来家友超市买月饼的人还真多呀,形形 *** 人头传动,大家都忙碌著挑选月饼,月饼的形式...

提醒幸福 开头:我们从小就习惯了在提醒中过日子。天气刚有一丝风吹草动,妈妈就说:别忘了多穿衣服。才相识了一个朋友,爸爸就说:小心他是个骗子。取得了一点成功,还没容得乐出声来,所有关切着你的人会一起说:别骄傲!沉浸在欢快中的时候,...


答:很多人问,依靠是什么。许多人会说,父母是我们的依靠,父母可以资助我们。也有人说,一些事物是我们的依靠,这可以帮助我们满足自己,达到一定目的。但“依靠”这词,真的是这么用的吗? 人都需要一个依靠,或许这么说,会觉得我是个脆弱的人。我...


Summer Job

The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs during vacation .

Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities durlng the summer, and ask friends and relarives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usually solved the problem and begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world.

Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it.

Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, and waiter these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.








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标题:关于工作英语短文怎么写 关于工作英语短文的作文
