200字的英语小短文带翻译 200字的英语小短文唯美句子


200字的英语小短文带翻译 200字的英语小短文唯美句子

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200字的英语小短文带翻译 200字的英语小短文唯美句子



Only when you understand the true meaning of life can you live truly. Bittersweet as life is, it's still wonderful, and it's fascinating even in tragedy. If you're just alive, try harder and try to live wonderfully.




I believe there is a person who brings sunshine into your life. That person may have enough to spread around. But if you really have to wait for someone to bring you the sun and give you a good feeling, then you may have to wait a long time.






No Problem

No Problem没问题

A bald man took a seat in a beauty shop. "How can I help you?" asked the stylist. "I went for a hair transplant," the guy explained, "but I couldn't stand the pain. If you can make my hair look like yours without causing me any disfort, I'll pay you $5,000." "No problem," said the stylist, and he quickly shaved his head.





Are you kidding me?


Are you kidding me? 注意 kid ***开玩笑***这个词还是个及物动词,可以直接在后面加宾语, 而不必说成 Are you kidding on me? 讲这句话的时候多半是表示自己对对方的话不太相信,同时也表现出自己的惊讶。同样的你也可以说You must be kidding.

另外当别人似乎是在开玩笑时,老美也喜欢说Really? 这个词有两种念法,如果你把 really 的尾音上扬,表示出的是一种怀疑的语气,可能对对方说的事情还很怀疑,但如果尾音下沉,则是表示出一种惊讶,但对对方所说的事情基本上已经是没有怀疑的。


放松自己:猫式伸展练习Practice the cat stretch


This wonderful yoga stretch, which increases flexibility and improves breathing, gets its inspiration from the sensual, expansive curls of a cat.


Get down on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees right under you’re your hips ***the “table position”***


Breathe out, slowly rounding your back up and gently dropping your chin to your duanwenw chest. Continue to breathe and hold the position for a count of 5.


Breathe in, raising your head and slowly uncurling so that your back is slightly arched and you are looking straight ahead. Hold for a cont of 5.


Repeat 5 times. Purr-fect!



A certain good woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years. She regretted immediately and would have done anything to have taken the words back . What she said hurt the friend so much that this good woman was herself hurt for the pain she caused . In an effort to undo what she had done , she went to an older ,wise woman in the village, explained her situation ,and asked for advice.



The young woman hurried home to prepare for her chore ,even though the feather pillows were very dear to her .All night long ,she labored alone in the cold. Finally the sky was getting light ,she placed the last feather on the steps of the last house .Just as the sun rose, she returned to the older woman.


"Now", said the wise woman," go back and refill your pillows with the feather you have put on the steps .then everything will be as it was before."


"You know that's impossible! the wind blew away each feather as fast as I placed them on the doorsteps!" the young woman was surprised .


"That's true," said the older woman." never forget. each of your words is like a feather in the wind. once spoken, no amount of effort, regardless how heartfelt or sincere, can never return them to your mouth. Choose your words well and guard them most of all the presence of those of you love."




Reason to Keep Going

Just because life has let you down, it doesn’t mean that you must let yourself down. Pick yourself up, quickly take a positive step, and know that you are closer to reaching your goal than you have ever been before.


You have already been through some of the hard part and experienced some of the difficulty that you have to go through. So keep going, and make that experience count.


Change your approach if that is what is called for. Learn from where you have been, adapt and adjust your efforts to be even more effective.


Every day, every encounter1 and every outcome is a new opportunity to move yourself forward. duanwenw.com Keep focusing on the goal you have chosen, and keep moving in the best way that you know.


Disappointments are just as much a part of the process as victories. Be truly thankful for it all, and in your gratitude you will find a way to put it all to positive use.


Whatever has happened is a perfect reason to keep going. Keep going, and create the life you have chosen to live.


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标题:200字的英语小短文带翻译 200字的英语小短文唯美句子
