


神尊舞王围观:℉更新时间:06-24 14:59



The Tale of the White Snake

There is a very famous traditional Chinese love story that has a close connection to the Dragon Boat Festival. Long, long ago, two snakes, one was called White Lady and another was her sister, called Xiao Qing, lived on E’mei Mountain. White Lady was willing to repay Xu Xian for her life before 500 years ago. Then they turned themselves into beautiful maidens and set off on a journey to the West Lake of Hang Zhou.

Outside the city gate, but still not far from the West Lake, there was a medicine shop run by a young man named Xu Xian. He was admired in the neighborhood for his diligence and honesty. His parents had died some years before and he remained unmarried. On the day of the Pure Brightness Festival, he got up very early and, according to the custom, set out to visit his parent’s graves, taking with his sacrificial offerings. At the Broken Bridge, he happened upon White Lady. Being so attracted to each other, Xu Xian and White Lady fell in love and they were soon married.

The new-weds moved to Suzhou where they opened an medicine shop and did many significant and meaningful things to the local citizens. They sold a lot of their own drugs in the form of powders and plasters. A board saying “Free Medicine for the Poor” was hung above the door. They got on well with the neighborhood and lived a comfortable life. They loved each other deeply and got a lovely son named Xu Shilin.

But the monk, named Fa Hai, who came from the Jinshan Temple, kept making White Lady die. After several twists and turns, White Lady was enclosed in his magic alms-bowl and buried under the Leifeng Temple at the side of the West Lake. He made them apart and they had no chance to meet.

After 18 years, their son, Xu Shilin, took the traditional Chinese examination and got the champion. He strove for saving his mother out of the Temple. His Xiao moved the God. Guanyin helped him and freed the White Lady out of the Temple. Finally, the family got a reunion.

这个 是白蛇传的英文版 不错哦

《半步天涯》,在新浪可以看 在一个风雨飘摇的黄昏,我独自撑着伞走在无人的空巷。冷风一阵阵吹过,我瑟缩着前行。自你走后,我每天枯坐电话机旁,只为等你的消息,因为你说过会回来找我,给我打电话。 站在那熟悉的门前,眼前浮现你的笑脸,却不见那熟悉的手来拉我进门,一颗心不自觉下沉。轻推开虚掩的大门,我把伞放在门口,走了进去。 记得初识那天,也是在雨中,我赶着上学却忘了带伞,眯着近视的双眼奔跑在雨中,不小心撞到了你。看着我狼狈的样子,你扬起一丝笑意“我家就在附近,去洗把脸,淋雨会感冒的,况且到了学校同学也会笑你,走吧。”到了你家,你找出一身干净的衣服让我换上,只字不提被撞的事,然后拿伞送我去学校。 走进你的房间,里面空荡荡的,找不到一丝你的气息。你曾说过,等我毕业后就和我在一起,然而你却丢下我一个人。泪水模糊了双眼,湿了脸,也打湿了我的心。一切的一切都已成了过去,你就这样走出了我的世界。 我疲惫的坐在地板上,努力的回忆我们的故事,却发现脑海中一片空白,我再也找不到你的影子。恍惚间,你正面带微笑的看着我,轻轻的坐在我身旁,对我说着什么。任凭我如何挣扎,就是握不到你的手,只能眼睁睁的看着你的双唇一上一下的在动,听不到你在说什么。 我睁开眼,才发现是场梦。泪痕未干,脑海依旧是你的笑脸,恨自己为什么不一直梦下去。我又不得不接受你在身边的事实,于是勇敢的站起来,擦干脸上的泪痕,走出了房间。外面的雨还在下,风还在吹,心却不再彷徨,我的未来,将不再有你。谢谢你曾给过我的一切,我不会后悔爱上你,我会活得很好,很好。



